Welcome curious Spirit!

Experiments since 2013, looking for an "unreacheable?" dream...

Vuejs WebApps, Arduino, Decentralized Solid Apps...

All projects

Forum le Château des Robots

Vous trouverez ici les informations générales sur le Château des Robots parfois appelé CDR.


Inter Planetary Graph System
Store and share your ideas as mindmaps on your Solid Pod.


Your POD in your pocket !


Ess ( Economie Sociale & Solidaire) + Solid + Airtable : Airtable like webapp based on Solid Specifications for Social & Solidarity Economy.
Ess-Table can link table data from many Ess organization.


Store your Vcard Contacts on your Solid POD


A Solid based community discussion App.

Pure js can be hosted on static gh-pages, on a POD, or in any website.

What is a Shighl ?

Shighl, is for S-olid high L-evel
Why High Level ? Because Shighl is based on other libs like solid-auth-client, mostly @solid/query-ldflex, ...
to give you the most common used functionnalities to deal with session, pod, chat, inbox... of the Solid Project.


Webcoponents based on Shighl.


Spoggy is a simple way to create nodes & edges.

  • Créer un nouveau graphe | Create a new graph video
  • Créer un nouveau noeud dans le graphe | Create a new node into the graph video
  • Créer un deuxième noeud dans le graphe | Create a second node into the graph video
  • Créer un lien entre deux noeuds | Create a link between to nodes video
  • Créer un triplet | Create a triplet video
  • Créer un graphe avec au moins cinq noeuds et 7 liens | Create a graph with at least five nodes and seven links video

Le château des Robots

Partager les dernières innovations technologiques, ça vous intéresse ?

Le Château des Robots

Données personnelles, objets connectés, robotique, intelligence artificielle, intelligence collective, ordinateur quantique...


An inbox proto based on Solid.
! Your recipient must have granted "Authenticated Agent" to "Submitter"!

Holon, I'm too ShExy for your POD !

From ShEx shape to Linked Forms.

Démarre Bootstrap

Traduction d'un tutoriel anglais pour démarrer avec Bootstrap et créer ton premier site web.